Actually, I am not exposing the unexposed but the little known because of the collusion between the MSM and the Democrats, as well as the ‘Ole Boy System’ in DC.  It is difficult to get the millions of avid followers of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the myriad of newspapers across the country who are Leftists to see or even believe the truth. 

The truth is truth, and facts are stubborn things unless those presenting the facts cower into the shadows in fear of the Leftist Big Government.  You would think that statement would be made of a Despotic Tyrannical Regime in some foreign country, but that is the situation in the United States of America.

Hate is a condition of today’s society in America that clouds all sensible and reasonable judgment.  There are “haters” on both sides of the equation, but virtually all the Liberal Activists are embroiled in hate to the point of being rabid and willing to commit incredible acts of violence. 

Someone suggested that we call the Liberal Activists “Regime Hate Squads” or “Hate Baiters!”  You call them what you will, but I call their activities deranged, delusional, and dangerous to our System of Government and our Constitutional Republic. 

  • When a person or group of people can commit acts of violence, including beating, mugging, and worse, in the name of their Liberal Agenda and somehow justify it, that is dangerous. 
  • When the MSM can spin the spin and offer the rhetoric that somehow makes them virtual saints while ignoring their hate and cruelty, that is delusional and diabolical.  
  • When politicians attempt to manipulate their followers to engage in Hate, that is deranged. 

If you remember, Barack Obama and others encouraged ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter (BLM) groups to engage in activism that included violence.  He even said, “If they bring a knife, we will bring a gun.”  That is incendiary!  If most of us said that we would be subject to charges of inciting riots, but the Leftists swooned over his activism and praised him. Yet, when Donald Trump said there was blame on both sides, he was deemed Hitler, Genghis Kahn, or Lucifer himself.  It is more than hypocritical; it is diabolical and dangerous. 

I am sure some of you remember the “death squads” in Latin America.  The Liberals were beside themselves in their decrying the activities of these arms of the right-wing dictators in those countries.  However, when it came to the Leftist Revolutionary Guerrillas, their acts of violence were called noble.  The victims probably could tell no difference, but the Label was all that was important to the Liberals in America. 

It is one thing to protest injustice and believe strongly that the system is flawed and needs to be corrected.  That could be praiseworthy, but when it morphs into hate and violence, as has been the modus operandi of these leftist liberal activist groups not only in recent history but historically, it is beyond bad!

I know this may touch a nerve with some, but I find it preposterous to insist that those groups represented by the activists in the modern protests or riots need to do what they are doing.  Why do I find it preposterous?   Each of those formerly marginalized groups is well-represented in today’s American government system. 

When activism is fueled by Hate, it literally becomes a religion and is the source from which some derive their significance.  Without the protests, marches, and acts of violence, they would receive no special attention and would be relegated to living in somewhat obscurity like the rest of us.  Most of us live day to day, going to work, raising our families, and serving in our community and churches with little fanfare or notoriety. 

The activists, if their protests were truly peaceful, would be something I could tolerate.  But when they destroy private or public property, harm citizens, and violently and verbally assault anyone disagreeing with them, it is beyond bad; it is criminal and evil. 

When colleges and universities, out of fear of a violent uprising, cancel any conservative’s scheduled appearance that poses a danger to a civil and free society where everyone has the Right to Speak and Believe what they choose. 

If the Liberals allowed the same protests and complaints from those on the opposite side, I might be tolerant of them, but they do not. It seems that today’s Liberal Activists, primarily Democrats, demand that only they have the right to decide what can be said and who can organize and protest. That is Tyranny! 

If this type of attitude and action is allowed to continue, it will, if it has not already, become a requisite for acceptance into some of the most prestigious universities in America.  It will be deemed a requirement to have participated in Liberal Activism approved by the Ruling Class. 

I now dig back into the annals of recent history and remind you of the words of the senior assistant director of admissions, Hannah Mendlowitz, at Yale University, who said: “For those students who come to Yale, we expect them to be versed in issues of social justice.  I have the pleasure of reading applications from San Francisco, where activism is very much a part of the culture.  Essays ring of social justice issues.”  

Are you Serious? That is the requirement and deciding factor. What about a well-balanced education?  Oh, I am sorry. I forgot that in today’s society and Leftist Culture, that is unimportant, but activism in liberal causes is paramount.  If that is the accepted attitude and action, we are in Deep Trouble!

Modern activism is a farce in the sense that it does not represent people outside the system but those represented by the system.  It is a ploy and plan to force the rest of us into compliance with their prescribed agenda and ideology. 

Our Inalienable Rights only exist if they concur with their views.  The more people like Louis Farrakhan, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and others can call for hatred of the Jews and whites, predominantly white men, we are on dangerous grounds.  We prove to be far nearer the possibility of “death squads” in American streets, which will be approved and endorsed by the Ruling Political Class, MSM, and Hollywood. 

If this continues, there will be pushback from those on the other side. If you push a person long enough and hard enough, eventually, they grow weary, believe there is no peaceable solution, and have nothing to lose, and fight back. That is when the Second American Civil War will begin, and it will not end well for anyone! 

This and much more is why I feel compelled to constantly sound the Alarm and insist that we must defeat the Democrats every November.  If we allow the Leftists to gain or retain control of Congress, we do so to our own hurt and possibly destruction.  I have said before that “the power of hate” is unpredictable.  There are those on the Right who are willing to lose the Republic in order to do harm or damage to Donald Trump.  They hate him that much. 

I find that unconscionable because I value the Republic and our Freedom so profoundly that I refuse to allow my personal preferences and personality conflicts to cloud my focus on what is at stake!   You may disagree, which is your right, but if I am right, the Republic is in dire need.  I am sounding an alarm and asking that you carefully pray, examine the facts, review the possibilities, and vote!

God bless you, and God bless America!


I saw a report that Leftists George Stephanopoulos was surprised by Nancy Pelosi’s totalitarian statement about States being able to overrule the Constitution.  We should all be surprised at that type of Constitutional ignorance, but I am not.

I say Constitutional ignorance with ‘tongue in cheek’ because I am convinced she knows better.  I am equally convinced that since it enhances and facilitates their objective and agenda, she would make that ludicrous assertion. 

The Constitution lists three requirements for a person to be president of the United States of America.  One has to be a natural-born citizen of the USA.  They have to be at least 35 years of age.  They must have been a resident of the USA for 14 years.  That is a very open but limited set of requirements.  It does not speak to qualifications or capability but the minimum requirements to be president.

Mr. Stephanopoulos asked the Congresswoman about Donald Trump’s eligibility to run for president. The matter concerns the 14th Amendment and the actions of Colorado and Maine to disallow Trump from having his name on the ballot.

Mr. Stephanopoulos asked Ms. Pelosi if she believed Trump was ineligible to be president.  Her response was vague and illusive, “They have different laws from state to state.”  He said, “It’s the Constitution.”  Her response revealed her disdain for that document, “That’s not the point; every state has different laws.” 

Yes, Ms. Pelosi, they do, but your party wants to allow convicted felons to vote but desires to strip Mr. Trump of that right, although he has been convicted of no felony.  That speaks of your true motive. You are not being supportive of the State’s Rights but advancing your agenda.  She also asserted that the states, not the voters, should decide. Ms. Pelosi, I believe that the states are representatives of the voters.

In all constitutional matters, states must have the voters’ approval to amend or change things constitutionally. She, like her counterparts on the Left, insists that keeping Trump off the ballot is necessary to protect our democracy. She fails to understand that we are not a direct democracy but a republic, another issue for another time. It is about power and control; they are willing to do anything to maintain that.

The repeated reference to January 6 events as a reason to disallow Trump to be on the ballot fails the Constitutional litmus test.  Trump appealed to the United States Supreme Court to overturn those rulings, and following the Constitution, they did. 

The Trump appeal rightly cited that the action by Colorado and Maine abrogated the authority and responsibility of the U.S. Congress.  The question of eligibility to serve as president of the United States is reserved for Congress, not state courts.   That is a powerful position from which they argued, and the SCOTUS seemed to agree.

If you dig back into the annals of recent history, you will remember that when the question of eligibility for John McCain, Barack Obama, and Ted Cruz arose, the SCOTUS consistently ruled eligibility determination was the purview of Congress, not the states or courts.

If we were to remain a free constitutional republic, the SCOTUS had to overturn the Colorado decision and stand with the U.S. Constitution.  I was concerned because, with the history of some of the ‘swing votes,’ I was not as confident as I would have liked to have been.   The Trump speech on January 6 is not a conviction or evidence of insurrection. 

Selena Zito observed, at the time, “The press takes Trump literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”  The claim that Trump supporters at the Capitol bludgeoned a Capitol policeman to death was proven false.  He died of a stroke with no evidence of any head wounds.  The Leftists never retracted the fallacious spin, but documented proof reveals the incredible fabrication to advance a narrative.

In America, a constitutional republic with laws, Congress has the power to enforce the provisions of the 14th Amendment by appropriate legislation.  If you honestly examine the provisions and requirements of such action, it always guarantees due process and the right to vote.   Colorado and Maine took action to strip Donald J. Trump of due process and his supporters of the right to vote.  To remain a Constitutional Republic, that had to be struck down.

I am unconcerned whether you like Donald Trump or not; if you value the Constitution and want to keep America as a Constitutional Republic, you must oppose the actions like those of those two states.  It was totalitarian and despotic.  Someone said, “Not all insurrectionists wear furs and face paint; some wear black robes.”

With the actions of Colorado and Maine in mind, it opens a legitimate pathway to questioning the unconstitutional involvement of governmental agencies such as the Intelligence Community in our elections.  Former CIA intelligence analyst Dr. John Gentry highlighted that. 

Dr. Gentry gave some disturbing prognostications or warnings regarding the current political state of the INTEL Community.  He serves as a professor at Georgetown University.   Based on his experience, he asserted that he expected the INTEL community (Deep State) to reemerge as a significant player in the 2024 elections.  They view Trump as a threat to their status quo and position of power.

He expects them to engage in interference, propaganda, and manipulation of evidence and activities to sway the presidential election away from Donald Trump and the Republicans.  His view of the mindset of the powers within the INTEL Community is that they believe they are right and justified in thwarting the will of the “ignorant yahoos.” He was referring to us as being ‘yahoos” deemed ‘ignorant’ by the INTEL community powers.

C.S. Lewis wrote in The Abolition of Man in 1943, “We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise.  We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.  We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”   That is a vivid description of the political conditions in America. 

America, we were founded upon the principles of every person being created by God and, in that sense, equal.  We were founded to embrace and advance the reality that each of us has certain inalienable rights given to us by God, not the government.  We each are viewed as having the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  The Constitution was designed to protect those ideals.  Today, they have become so tarnished the Constitution is meaningless to many politicians and activists.  That must change!

It is time that we clean house in Washington and send to the White House someone who will value the Constitution and defend America.  We also need to turn our attention to the unelected bureaucrats who are so numerous they are almost as uncountable as the stars in the skies.  We must reduce the size and scope of the federal government and restore our Constitution to its rightful loft position as the Law of the Land.  We can.  The question is, will we?

God bless you, and God bless America!


To say our world is in a mess would be an understatement of understatement. Political, economic, social, racial, and alarmist issues are reaching catastrophic levels. The present state of affairs in America and the world indicates some dramatic upheavals on the horizon, with outbreaks of intensified violence and disruption. 

Our government seems to be an example of the patients running mental institutions in America.  We do not seem to be headed in a positive direction societally and appear to be drifting farther and farther from the solution toward chaos and destruction.  I believe we are living in what the Bible deems to be the “Last Days,” where conditions worsen exponentially almost daily. 

There are those on both sides of the political aisle or ideological position who are vitriolic in their verbalizations, creating an impossible chasm to bridge.  Both sides of the American political climate believe the other side is singularly the problem and evil to the core.  Evil people are involved in today’s political manipulations, but many are desirous of what they believe to be the best.  They may be misguided in their views and drinking from the watering trough of the manipulators rather than being evil in their hearts. 

If a person believes the rhetoric and diatribe being issued by the politicians, the media, and other outlets, they can quickly become part of the impasse rather than having an open mind willing to seek a solution.  If I believe you are the problem, your views are diabolical, and label you subhuman and demonic, it will be impossible to find any common ground to build a workable compromise or agreement. 

The problem is not government, although unbridled government is a problem.  The problem is not liberals or conservatives, although fringe elements of both sides can be problematic.  The problem is not racism, although bias, prejudice, injustice, and hate are a problem. 

The problem is not legislation or the lack thereof. However, much legislation presents problems that are not easy to overcome in the pursuit of the ideals of the Constitution and our Declaration of Independence.  Namely, everyone is created equal in the eyes of God and has the inalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

The problem, in my view, and that of the Bible, is the Human Heart.  We are all, regardless of our ethnicity, religion, or political position, created in the image of God.  God created us.  If you disbelieve that, we will have little room to discuss this matter with objectivity.   If you believe it is all random chance and evolutionary, we are grounded in polar opposite views.  However, even then, if you are objective, you can see that the human will and heart are major factors in all interpersonal activities.

No amount of legislation can fix the issues of race, gender, politics, or religion.  Everything stems from the condition of the human heart.  It is from the heart that we form our views of everything.  We develop thoughts from within our innermost beings, and from those thoughts, we formulate our beliefs and views.  It is from our beliefs and views that we interact with each other. 

The words of John Adams ring true today, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  The Bible is filled with references regarding interpersonal relationships, and the overriding directive is that we treat others as we wish to be treated.  We are repeatedly reminded that any measure of judgment we engage in is used to judge us.  The biblical message is love and respect.

The Bible is filled with references as to how we are to live and interact with others.  In Micah 6:8, we read, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”  That is a simple but powerful declaration. 

What does God want, and what is required for humans to live together in any semblance of harmony?  We are to do justice.  We should be careful in defining what that means and not allow it to be tainted by our worldview or interracial view.  Justice for some is getting what they want and punishing anyone who disagrees.  That is not God’s view of justice. 

God’s view is to do what is right all the time, every time. It is to treat others as fellow humans created in God’s image and afforded the God-given right to Life, Liberty, and the ability to pursue Happiness freely and unimpeded by man-made imposed restrictions that block that objective.

What does God want, and what is required for humans to live together in any semblance of harmony?  We are to love kindness.  That is amazing because kindness is to demonstrate restraint, not be harmful, not be controlling, not be domineering, and seek the best good for all.  Kindness is the heart of God, and His Lovingkindness is eternal; therefore, if God is kind toward us, we should be kind toward others. 

What does God want, and what is required for humans to live together in any semblance of harmony?  We are to walk humbly before God.  That strips pride from the equation and eliminates arrogance.  It removes biases, prejudices, and selfishness.  It strips us of the ability to view ourselves as victims even when victimized.  It demands that we view life through the lens of God first and others second.  It requires that we view life through the heart of service rather than what’s in it for me. 

So, let me possibly alienate some and step onto the thin ice of biblical reality and say if you are hurling insult for insult regardless of which side of the political equation you are standing – That is a problem, not a Solution!  It reveals a problem in the heart. 

If I view you as God’s creation and understand that you have the same inalienable and constitutional rights as I do to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, there is hope.  If I give you tit for tat in insult and vitriolic response, I build a wall, not a bridge, and the hope of harmony disappears.  If we call each other Demon-rats or Re-pukelicans [words I have heard], we will find no ground on which to stand to bring about a livable and peaceful society. 

We can either have total chaos, plunge into civil disturbance, or war and demonize everyone disagreeing with us, or we can seek to become solutions rather than problems. 

  • I do not condone views contrary to the Bible, such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and immorality. 
  • I do not condone nor am willing to allow the federal government to become totalitarian and strip me of the rights and liberties God has given me. 
  • However, I seek to view others as human beings endowed with certain inalienable rights and understand that there is hope if we can all be civil, just, kind, and humble ourselves before God. 

I hope that what I have said is meaningful. Although I have painted with a broad brush, I hope you consider the matter of the Heart. If we get our hearts right, we will be less concerned with political labels and more concerned about what is good, godly, and right. Just because you or I believe our cause is the right cause does not mean that all who disagree are evil.

Some are evil and seek total control by eliminating God and moral rightness. Those must be opposed and resisted. I only ask that we all seek God, accept the possibility that we could be wrong in attitude and ideology in some instances, and seek to treat others as we desire to be treated.

I love God and America and am praying for America, the world, and God’s Harvest to be Completed.  Heaven is sounding sweeter all the time!

God bless you, and God bless America!


On the TV program “Hee Haw,” they would always have someone do a skit that included the song “Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me.”  The words went like this:

                   “Gloom, despair, and agony on me

                    Deep, dark depression, excessive misery

                    If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all

                    Gloom, despair, and agony on me!

                    We figured she was rich, loaded to the hilt.

                    And we figured she had class like the Vanderbilts.

                    ‘Cause we had heard for years how she was so well reared.

                    How was we to know they mean the way she was built?

                    Gloom, despair, and agony on me!

                    Deep, dark depression, excessive misery

                    If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.

                    Gloom, despair, and agony on me.”

To a great degree, that could be sung today in America as a result of leftist policies advanced by Obama and Biden.  We have never lived in a more gloomy time in American history, not even in the Great Depression, the Civil War, or any other wars we have faced. 

We are there because we have a President driving the train down the path of unchecked spending, pushing us nearer and nearer to the point of no return and bankruptcy.  The Country Group, The Tractors, has a song called “Badly Bent,” in which it talks about money problems, and one portion of it says: 

                    “I am just a country boy

                    Tryin’ to make some sense.

                    But I’d like to ask the Congress

                    I’d like to ask the President.

                    Can you tell me where

                    All the money went.

                    We might not be broke

                    But we are badly bent.”

We are not just bent; we are broke with a Capital “B.”  If I am wrong, and Mr. Biden and the Leftist’s desire is not to totally destroy our system of Capitalism; they are the most misguided people ever to serve in public office.  The President is supposed to be committed to protecting and defending the Constitution and working for America!

However, Barack Obama made us aware in his book “Dreams From My Father,” what their real desire is with regard to this country.  It is always wise to consider who has the ear of politicians and influence them.  The philosophy, ideology, and agenda of those always reveal the truth about purpose. 

The president and those in Congress must swear or affirm their commitment to protect and defend the Constitution of these United States.  Tragically, some of them seem to be on a campaign to destroy this country and our Constitution.  In my mind, that is more than a minor issue; it is treasonous and even terroristic.

I believe we must vote all of them out of office as soon as possible. If we do not send them packing, America, as established by our founders and as we have known, will be a faint memory. Each person can make whatever choices they desire, but if we look at the facts, we will realize that the use of “race,” “class envy,” and “illogical ideology” drives them and divides this nation. 

They use whatever is available to achieve their purposes.  The Leftists only care about the fulfillment of their Agenda.  That agenda is the same as the proponents of the United Nations Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development Initiative.  

Once again, I call on each one to keep the Left’s expressed and demonstrated objectives in mind as they vote in any election. Our Republic, Freedom, and Liberty are hanging in the balance. We will decide our fate!

God bless you, and God bless America!


I did say delusional, didn’t I?  Among the many inane and insane suggestions or revelations of the plans of the Left was advanced in the State of the Union Address or Political Speech of Joe Biden.  He unveiled his plan and desire to secure a $7.3 trillion budget and increase taxes by $5.5 trillion. 

He wants to create or increase things like ‘affordable housing, student loan cancellation,’ and other things (not mentioned were the freebies for the illegals.)  They need lots and lots of money for that endeavor.  After all, building a new political base is not cheap.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) revealed that this endeavor would cause the national debt to soar to $45.1 trillion, a 105.6% increase in the GDP by 2034. Anyone who thinks that is good or sustainable must have far more money than the rest of us. We realize how disastrous the current policies have been on our finances, and this would make it even worse.

He claims this would reduce the deficit but expand the government exponentially. But why would that surprise anyone? That’s what the Leftists and establishment politicians do. They grow, grow, grow the government and make it impossible for us to provide proper oversight. The more they grow, the less we know, and the less we know, the more they grow.

The insane policies of this administration regarding the southern border have prompted some states, including my home state of Texas, to take individual action. With the help of the Supreme Court, the Biden team declared an ultimatum and declared the states’ actions illegal. He did that after the Republicans demanded that some of the funds for Ukraine be redirected to protect our border. Twenty-five state governors stood with Texas.

Governor Abbott initiated ‘Operation Lone Star’ in 2021 to stem the growing numbers of illegals flooding across the border and unhindered by the feds.  He issued an executive order giving Texas law enforcement agencies the right to protect the border with Mexico independently and began installing razor wire and capturing illegals.

Texas’ economic position is of great concern and vital to the national economy.   Texas is the second most populous state in the Republic, with over thirty million people (more if the illegals were counted).  According to government and independent analysis, Texas has the highest standard of living in the U.S. and the highest level of economic growth. Maybe we should be a sovereign nation again.

If Texas were a sovereign nation, it would rank eighth among the largest economies in the world. It would soar past Russia, Spain, and Australia with a GDP per capita of $78,000. That took a lot of hard work, entrepreneurial acumen from the citizens, and an understanding of the Free Market from those in Austin.

Texas is the top energy producer in the nation and accounts for 42% of the crude oil production.  I guess that explains why the Left hates our state so much.  It also produces about 27% of all the natural gas in the U.S.  It excels in renewable energy development.  It is at the forefront of biomedicine and technology.  It is host to the largest nuclear power plant in the U.S.  Add to that equation the reality that Texas has over 180 colleges and universities, making it a critical cog in the wheel of the nation.

The property taxes are still too high, but Texas has no income tax, which is drawing people and industries to the Lone Star State. Approximately 1.5 million people are involved in the aviation and aerospace industries, and Texas ranks first in employment in those fields.

Although there could be a strong argument for Texas to tell Washington, “See ya,” it is not likely to happen.  In 1869, the Supreme Court ruled that Texas could not legally separate.  Would that stand another test? I do not know; some experts say yes, and others no.  However, Texas provides an example that other states should be advised to follow.  Do not kowtow to authoritarian regimes in Washington. Protect your state and citizens. Use whatever leverage you have to pressure the feds to see your side of the issue.

Ronald Reagan, a president I loved and appreciated, had the ability to articulate true conservatism and advance fiscal policies that were good for Americans. You may vehemently disagree; that is your prerogative. You have that right. However, Reagan believed that conservatism was linked to freedom and the dignity of individual choice in pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness. 

The ultimate source of power and authority was not some privileged group or oligarchy of bureaucrats but “we the people.”  In 1947, Reagan was already advancing the philosophy that “our highest aim should be the cultivation of freedom of the individual, for therein lies the highest dignity of man.”

Individualism can never be a license to do whatever you want; you must focus on the Republic. Freedom gives people dignity, unlike the myriad of governmental edicts, regulations, and requirements. He used phrases like “Learning, Faith, and Freedom.”  He said each reinforces the other, and they need each other to function properly. 

Reagan said, at the Vatican in June 1987, “God gave us freedom when He gave us free will.”  He gave us the ability to think and reason, evaluating the outcomes of our choices.  He quoted Thomas Jefferson as a critical element of his philosophy, “Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.”  If we want to restore America, we must have an open and honest debate, and we must refocus on the needs of the Republic.  The world of delusional politics must end, or we will see America end.

God bless you, and God bless America!


I do not care who it is or the issue, but there comes a time when blatant disregard for the law must be addressed. In this article, I will explain precisely what has pressed my ‘hot button,’ and you can decide if you agree or not. If you do not, that is your right and your choice. 

In the recent hearing on Capitol Hill, Special Counsel Robert Hur offered some incredibly alarming disclosures regarding the Biden Classified Document investigation.  He said something that demands judicial action even if the conclusion is that Biden is a forgetful old man.  That is not a justification for what Mr. Hur unveiled.

Mr. Hur admitted that ‘forgetful’ Biden read ALOUD classified files to a ghostwriter in his $8 million book.  Then, there was an attempt to ‘destroy’ the evidence.  He asserted that Mr. Biden wanted to keep the documents for ‘pride and money.’  Does that bother anyone else?

The Democrats insisted that Mr. Hur had exonerated President Biden of any wrongdoing.  Mr. Hur said the report ‘did not exonerate’ Mr. Biden.  It was another incident in which our judicial system opted not to prosecute and further examine the criminality and possible treasonous actions. 

Mr. Hur’s declaration befuddles me as to why no further action is planned: “We identified that the President WILLFULLY retained classified materials after the end of his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”  The word ‘willfully’ is an incredibly important one in the world of jurisprudence. It is alarming when it concerns matters of national security.

Congressman Matt Gaetz quizzed Mr. Hur about the ghostwriter and Biden. He asked a poignant question and raised a succulent point: “Just so everybody knows, the ghostwriter didn’t just delete the recordings as a matter of happenstance. The ghostwriter has recordings of Biden making admissions of crimes. He then learns that you’ve been appointed. He then deletes the information that is evidence, and you don’t charge him.”  My question is, “Why Not?”

From the hearings and the report, it seems that Mr. Hur, his team, and the powers at the DOJ decided that a jury might not be persuaded to convict Mr. Biden because.  The expressed “because,” is what is shocking and leaves me searching for answers. In Mr. Hur’s words, he is “a nice, elderly man with a faulty memory.”   I have issues with many parts of that statement, but when did it become the Special counsel’s assignment to decide what a jury would decide?

With regard to Donald Trump, they have gone after him with every tool they can muster and manufacture, but Joe Biden, like Hillary Clinton, seems to be exempt.  Why?  When the Special Counsel acknowledges that they have “an audio tape of the president referring to the fact that he found classified evidence in his basement,” isn’t that Full Knowledge?  The Democrats consider this an exoneration no matter what Mr. Hur says.  Since there is no prosecution, exoneration seems to be the conclusion.  Not that he should be exonerated but that the powers in place decided to exonerate him.

I believe that this ties in with the reality that many on the Left and some on the Right believe themselves to be ‘socially superior.’   In today’s political climate in America, we see people thinking they are ‘socially superior.’  It is with regard to those who ‘hate’ Trump and their view of anyone who supports him.  They believe that any Trump supporter is an ignorant, flat-earth neanderthal who should be ignored or silenced.

They find it impossible to comprehend the view of those of us who oppose “illegal immigration.”  They think we are being insensitive, barbaric, xenophobic, racist, and bigoted barbarians.  They fail to understand that our opposition is founded rationally by our desire to see our nation’s laws enforced and our sovereignty protected.  Would that object to our objection if the majority of those illegals were white?  I know that makes me a racist to some.  That is not my intent.

They cannot fathom why we would oppose abortion or abortion on demand, the act of convenience.  They cannot grasp that we believe that the ‘unborn baby’ in the womb is a human being, and to kill that baby is to commit a homicide. It is genocidal and an example of infanticide.  The fact that we base our views on verifiable scientific evidence and biblical precepts.  They consider us misogynistic and unworthy of a seat at the table.  It has nothing to do with the suppression of women. It has to do with protecting the sanctity of life.

America, we are experiencing a division within our society that, if allowed to continue, will result in violence of epic proportions.  Hate blinds, and I know some on the right and the left who are so overwrought with hate that they detest not only the position of the other side but those on the other side.  Two wrongs never make a right! 

I pray that America and all Americans will return to God’s moral and biblical principles and restore priceless traditions and objectives that enabled America to become a nation and a great one.  I am praying for America and find myself repenting of allowing a twinge of emotion that is contradictory to God’s Word to enter my heart.  Sometimes, it is hard not to hate, but knowing that hate is destructive, I persistently resist allowing hate to gain a foothold. 

I stand firmly on the side of Faith, Family, and Freedom and ask you to join me.  Rather than personalize everything, why don’t we make it about America and what is right morally and biblically? 

God bless you, and God bless America!


Sometimes, we miss the message when things are as obvious as the nose on our faces.  I pay attention to what is happening in Hollywood only because I have realized for years that the devil tips his hand through his outlets before he does something.  I have learned that what is happening or about to happen in the spirit realm is often revealed by what Hollywood is involved in.

Likewise, I pay attention to the super-rich in their financial dealings because they tend to know what is happening or will happen and hedge their bets. Congress can engage in insider trading that would result in the rest of us going to prison. 

So, when I see massive activity in the financial world of the super-rich, I take note.  I do not have a lot of financial wherewithal to be concerned with, but I want to protect what I have.  God told us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves in our dealings with this world. 

I recall Canadian Evangelist, author, and speaker Willard Cantelon’s warning through his books, “The Day the Dollar Dies,” “New Money or None,” and “Money Master of the World.”  He foresaw something in economics that many dismissed as speculation and fear-mongering.  He foretold of a world unity (New World Order) and sounded the alarm.

Recently, American billionaires began a fire sale of stocks that has sent ripples through the financial community and instilled fear in the hearts of many.  Let me list some of the reported activities:

  • Jeff Bezos – sold $8.5 billion in Amazon shares in one month.
  • Mark Zuckerberg – sold approximately 1.4 million Meta shares worth roughly $638 million.
  • Jamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of JPMorgan, unloaded 150 million shares.
  • Leon Black, Apollo Global Management’s Counsel, unloaded $172.8 million of his equity in the firm.
  • The Walton Family (Walmart) sold $1.5 billion in a week, making the total sale since December $2.3 billion.

What does all that mean?  I suspect it means a severe downturn in the market very soon.  It may be profiteering, but I suspect they see a downturn coming and are taking preemptive action to protect themselves from financial loss.  They could be taking advantage of current tax breaks they fear might be eliminated under the next administration. 

Should we be concerned? My view is that their longstanding drive to eliminate currency and transition to a digital currency system could be part of their motivation. Undoubtedly, they are privy to information that the average citizen is not. Money talks, and those who have the most are talked to the most by those in government.

I add to my concerns the massive debt we have as a nation.  When I look at the reported debt and to whom we owe it, my concerns do not lessen but grow exponentially.  Who do we owe the most money to?  Let me give you a brief list.

  • Japan is owed $1.1 Trillion.
  • China is owed $859.4 Billion.
  • The United Kingdom is owed 666.3 Billion.
  • Belgium is owed 331.1 Billion.
  • Luxembourg is owed $319.2 Billion.
  • Switzerland is owed $290.5 Billion.
  • The Cayman Islands is owed $285.3 Billion.
  • Canada is owed $254.1 Billion.
  • Ireland is owed $253.4 Billion.
  • Taiwan is owed $234.6 Billion.
  • Other territories are owed $7.4 Trillion.

That is not an exhaustive list, although it is exhausting and disturbing. Those figures were from May 2023 and are higher now, and China may well have overtaken Japan as the holder of more indebtedness by America.  That is not a positive thing for our future and sovereignty.

In 2024, foreign-owned American assets are valued at $32.5 trillion. We are informed that $77 trillion worth of long-term securities were outstanding in the U.S. in 2015, and foreign investors owned $16.2 trillion or 21%.  

Let me give you some companies in America that are owned by foreign investors or nations:

  • Grubhub’s parent company is Just Eat Takeaway.com N.V., Netherlands.
  • Tiffany & Co. parent company is LVMH Moet Hennessey Louis Vuitton, France.
  • GE Appliances parent company is Haier, China.
  • Motorola Mobility parent company is Lenovo, China.
  • Forbes parent company is Integrated Whale Media Investments, China.
  • Greyhound Lines parent company FlixMobility (parent of Flixbus), Germany.
  • IBM PC parent company is Lenovo, China.
  • Chrysler parent company is Stellantis N.V., Netherlands.
  • 7-Eleven parent company is Seven & I Holding Co., Japan.
  • Smithfield Foods, parent company Shuanghui International, China
  • U.S. Steel parent company Nippon Steel, Japan

Maybe those are innocuous, and maybe they are not. However, any foreign holdings in the United States and the massive sell-off of stocks by the super-rich are concerns for our sovereignty and safety. We have known for decades, if not centuries, that the superrich fund all sides of a conflict and make fortunes on the misfortunes of others. 

Our Republic must be preserved, and our people must be protected.  We need to turn to God and unite to oust all politicians who ignore the Constitution and place America’s interests behind those of other nations. 

God bless you, and God bless America!


I could address that question with a broad brush and touch virtually everything.   The level of trust in anything the government has its hands in is visibly being reduced.  There are areas of governmental involvement in which the level of trust would have to be measured in the negative, because it is non-existent.  I believe it is justifiable.

I recently heard the assertion that Americans no longer trust the Healthcare System in this country.  I can believe that, on many levels, there are many reasons for the decline.  Most of them have been the result of flawed or failed governmental edicts or actions. 

A Gallup survey conducted last year asserts that Americans’ faith in major societal institutions has not improved and continue at the level of a significant downturn in 2022.  That survey reported that those with a ‘great deal or quite a lot of confidence’ in major institutions, including Congress, at 8%.  I am shocked that 8% have a great deal of faith in Congress or anything government. 

The survey revealed that 14% have confidence in big business and the MSM. The criminal justice system fared a little better, enjoying a 17% confidence score, and the Healthcare System was the strongest at 34%. All those are failing grades, as I remember from my school days. 

Not so long ago, there was a time when those in the Healthcare System (doctors and hospitals) were held in high esteem and respected.  Today, only one in three have confidence in them.  That is deeply disturbing but can be explained by simply reflecting on the actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Medical professionals such as Drs. Anthony “I am the science” Fauci and Deborah Brix contributed much to the decline in confidence. Regarding the COVID-19 edicts, only about 45% of Americans believe the experts were right. Of course, the divide was extremely partisan, with 73% of Democrats and 24% of Republicans believing the experts were right. 

With reports that the Biden administration may have actually been registering illegals to vote, the trust level drops into the black hole of distrust even deeper.  On March 7, 2021, President Joe Biden issued Executive Order No. 14019.  That order shifts the activities of the DOJ from its historical mission of law enforcement to arms of voter registration and get-out-the-vote operations.  That is beyond disturbing.  It is a blatant misuse of federal funds and is unconstitutional.  But when did the Constitution deter the Left?

He billed the Executive Order as an effort to combat racial discrimination and “protect the right to vote.”  He instructed government agencies to “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.”  The order forces the U.S. Marshals Service to “modify agreements with jails” to provide those incarcerated with ‘voter registration materials and facilitate voting by mail.’  That is not legal per our present laws, but his E.O. does an end-run around the law.

This cause for distrust cannot be laid at the feet of the Democrats because some Republicans (RHINOs) have also contributed.  Former U.S. Representative Liz Cheney falsely framed or described former President Donald John Trump as the mastermind of the January 6, 2021, incident.

Cheney’s committee concealed testimony from former White House Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato. In his first interview with the House Investigators on January 28, 2022, Ornato testified that he overheard Meadows urge D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to mobilize as many National Guard troops as needed.

He also testified that President Trump suggested mobilizing 10,000 Guardsmen to keep the peace at public rallies and protests scheduled for January 6, 2021. He testified that the White House was frustrated with Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller for his slow deployment of assistance on that eventful afternoon.

Cheney and her committee kept that transcript from being presented publicly and sought to discredit Ornato’s testimony.  It appears that the former J6 Select Committee withheld Mr. Ornato’s critical testimony because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative to ‘Trash Trump.’

Cheney and her committee refused to investigate Nancy Pelosi’s opposition to additional Guard troops.  Pelosi indicated that she was concerned with the optics (how it would look) to have reinforcements at the Capitol after Democrats had condemned the use of federal troops in Washington during the 2020 riots. 

Let me offer this excerpt from Mr. Ornato’s testimony:

“Every time [Meadows] would ask, ‘What’s taking so long?’ It would be, like, you know, ‘This isn’t just start the car and we’re there. We have to muster them up, we have to’ — so it was constant excuses coming of — not excuses, but what they were actually doing to get them there. So, you know, ‘We only have so many here right now. They’re given an hour to get ready.’ So, there’s, like, all these timelines that was being explained to the chief. And he relayed that, like, you know — he’s like, ‘I don’t care, just get them here,’ you know, and ‘Get them to the Capitol, not to the White House.’”

Do we trust the government? How can we when they are more interested in solidifying their power and enlarging their purse than the Constitution, the rule of law, and the welfare of the American people? It is politics at its worst, and sadly, we have, for too long, allowed politicians to handle politics without giving the mandated Constitutional oversight our founders encouraged.

America, we can recover, but not without a unified effort of all freedom-loving Americans!  It is time to become involved!  

God bless you, and God bless America!


As I watch the antics and activities of the leftists, globalists, elitists, and those seeking to reshape America into something other than a Free Constitutional Republic, my title comes to mind.   The old saying, “You made your bed, now lie in it,” seems to apply to them.

Are they willing to accept the consequences of their actions?  Is the moon made of green cheese?  Therein is your answer!  Will they be willing to acknowledge that they were the culprits in the destruction?  Do you see any unicorns and flying pigs in your backyard?  Therein is your answer!  As a friend of mine likes to say, “When hell freezes over.” 

I know that I sound like a broken record regarding the condition of my beloved America and much of the world.  It has gone crazy!  It seems that the insane and inane pursuit of some socialist utopia has driven people mad.  I would add that the culprits are the inherent greed, the self-serving desire for self-gratification, and the delusion produced by our educational system’s dumbing down of reality.

America is facing the most crucial election cycle we have ever encountered.  Personal preference, bias, fraud, and political correctness have placed us on the ledge of destruction.  Sadly, too many are afraid to address the real issues or have bought into deception and become victims of the tolerance at any cost mindset.  We are in danger!

What is the real fruit of the past three years in America?  Has the quality of life gotten better for All Americans?  If we are honest, we must acknowledge that much is worse than before the current administration’s ascension to the throne.  (I said that because they seem to be what they think the White House is.)  

We are faced with more terrorism than we were just three years ago.  We have seen an escalation in the cost of goods and services, although we are told the economy is good and inflation is down.  I find that impossible to believe when I purchase anything.  Crime is escalating, and most hard-working Americans are finding it more difficult to navigate the fiscal world and provide for their own. 

We watch as the Left insists on providing for the illegals flooding across our southern border while reducing benefits for the genuinely needy, elderly, and veterans.  We watch as the Left continues to wage war against our longstanding traditional values, the family, morality, and God.  Truth, honesty, integrity, and the rule of law are being relegated to the back burner of public life.  We are in danger!

The irrational hatred for Donald Trump and those who support him is creating a chasm in our Republic that could end in a bloody civil war.  That would be tragic!  I would never say that Mr. Trump is a saint; he is not, but then who among us is?  I saw that Mark Cuban said he would vote for Biden on his deathbed before he would vote for Trump.  That is his prerogative, and it fails to address the issue; it only expresses his preference or prejudice against Trump.  He is not alone.

The Left insists that those who embrace ‘MAGA’ are haters, but the incessant incitement toward violence by those on the Left has proven far more dangerous than any on the right.  Fearmongering in today’s political climate has become so prevalent that I encounter good people who believe the rhetoric; they are living in mortal terror every day.  They see the sky falling and see no hope.

The major tools of the Left are ‘fear, guilt, and shame.’  We are told that if a person is a Caucasian, they are inherently racist and evil. We are advised that if a five-year-old decides they are trapped in the body of the wrong gender, the parents should have no say in their transition to that gender surgically. We are told that slaughtering the innocent unborn is a woman’s reproductive right, not based on a health crisis but on preference and convenience. 

You can call a rose a cactus or a cactus a rose, but it is still what it is.  The head of Homeland Security has informed us that his department refuses to use the term “illegal immigrant” but uses the term “non-citizen” in order to respect the dignity of every person.  Seriously!  Yes, they are ‘non-citizens’ because they are ‘illegal immigrants.’  They have not legally immigrated, which places them in violation of the law (a felony). 

The Left is making a bed of nails and expects all of us to lie quietly in it without complaining of pricks from the spikes digging into the fabric of our Republic and our lives.  They seem to think that their policies will not negatively impact them, but the bed they are making will require all of us to lie in it. 

One final thought regarding the lunacy of the left and the bed they are making for America is in the insane sale of the Northeast Gasoline Reserve.  That is one of the provisions intended to raise funds in one of the six bills to provide appropriations for some federal departments this year.  That is beyond insane!  Congress is expected to pass the legislation!  Of course, Joe Biden would sign it immediately, and we would be pushed deeper into the negative in our quest for energy independence. 

The Left is destroying our Republic, and if we allow personal preference and identity politics to shape our votes, we will allow this to transpire. America, we must drop our preferences and vote for the principle of saving the Republic from the globalists’ desired fundamental transformation. Jesus is not on the ballot, so we need to examine the proposals and vote for those who support the path that benefits our Republic the most. 

We can stop this train of destruction, but it will require all of us to unite in the fight for Faith, Family, and Freedom.  It will require God’s people to stay on their faces in prayer.

God bless you, and God bless America!


America has faced some severe threats in the 248 years since our Declaration of Independence in 1776.  We have weathered the storms and defeated the designs of those would-be dictators and transformers who have sought to dismantle our Republicanism. 

I hope we can continue to do that, but today’s threats are the direst and most threatening we have ever faced. I agree with those who have deep insight into the inner workings of our government and governmental agencies that our greatest threat is internal.

I believe that the most dire threat to our Republic is the created arms of our federal government: the Intelligence Community.  Those agencies were created for a specific purpose and have served a valued role, but they have morphed into a deep state entity that seeks total control.  Power creates a hunger for power, and they are incredibly powerful.

The clamoring about the Russian threat seemed and seems to be more of a ‘Wag the Dog’ action than a genuine reality.  I would be more concerned about China than Russia or any of the other adversaries in the world.  But even more than I am concerned about China and its incredible ability to do damage to us on multiple fronts, I am deeply concerned with the internal threats!

We are aware of the threat of a cyber-attack, and Congress connected that to the leak that Russia has nukes in outer space. Again, those are serious and pose grave dangers, but when the focus is placed on the Intelligence Community or those in power, some external threat surfaces and diverts our attention. “Wag-the-Dog” is an old tactic but an effective one!

Congress is considering reforms in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), and the FBI and other Intelligence Agencies are working overtime to present their spin on the need to allow them total freedom to spy on us.

The FBI released a declassified report that revealed that it used Section 701 to foil a terrorist plot on U.S. soil last year. They insist that had they had to obtain a warrant, they would have failed.  The Republicans in Congress were pushing for reform and seemed to have the upper hand in the debate when this information and the Russian Nukes in outer space surfaced.  What happened then?  The Speaker pulled the reform bill and canceled Congress for the rest of the week.  What? 

There is little doubt that the Intelligence Community has an enormous amount of information on all of us and assuredly on each member of Congress. How much of that information poses a threat to those elected officials? How much of it can be used as blackmail to ensure that those in Congress toe the line of our intelligence agencies’ desires and demands? 

We have learned that the CIA asked foreign intelligence agencies to spy on more than two dozen Trump associates as early as 2015 and then share the intelligence they acquired.  That intelligence was used to launch the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and create the Russian collusion hoax. 

Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, tasked the “Five Eyes” Intelligence Alliance to surveil 26 Trump associates that he personally identified.  The revealed purpose was not to determine if Trump’s associates were colluding with Russia but to develop contacts to report on Trump, the candidate.

Crossfire Hurricane brutalized FISA protocol, and it is clear that the purpose was to destroy Trump and render him ineffective as a candidate for president.  He posed a threat to them, and their intent was to take him out.  If that can be done against a presidential candidate that they deem a threat, what could they do to citizens and our liberties?

There is a strong possibility that our Intelligence Agencies under Barack Obama suggested the Russian collusion hoax to Hillary and her team.  We know that the Biden team conspired with some of the highest-level intelligence officials to hide and suppress damaging information before the 2020 election.  Knowing that makes it incredibly credible to think they also worked with Hillary in 2015-2016.

We have documentation via declassified handwritten notes from former CIA Director Brennan briefing Obama on July 26, 2016. The material was intelligence that Hillary had suggested, seeking to vilify Donald Trump and stir up the Russian scandal. 

We also have information that two weeks before that meeting, the Clinton campaign foreign policy adviser and former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright spoke at the “2016 Race to Change the World” conference in Cambridge.  Other speakers included Sir. Richard Dearlove, former head of the MI-6, and Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the former defense and foreign secretary.  But even more concerning was Stefan Halper, who later served as a confidential human source for the FBI during the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.  He also served as a source for the CIA. 

If you connect the dots of all the players in the conspiracy to destroy Trump, you find that Albright is a key cog in the wheel. The deviousness of this plot is seen in Brennan’s gathering evidence against Hillary and her campaign’s plot to destroy Trump to ‘Wag-the-Dog’ to hide her own scandals. 

Our Republic is hanging in the balance, and when our own Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies work outside the guidelines of the Constitution to solidify their power, we are in serious danger. We may never know the depth of the corruption, but seeing the tip of the iceberg should send all of us to the polls to oust the Deep State and establishment types and send some Constitutional Bloodhounds to Washington. 

We can save the Republic, but it will be a fight.  I ask that each of you join the Fight for Faith, Family, and Freedom and use all your legal and ethical tools to do so.   

God bless you, and God bless America!