I Remember When

I must be getting older because I can remember better days, but they seem like years ago.  I remember:

  • I remember a time when you did not have to lock your door at night or when you left for the day. I am sure there were those who would have stolen from us, but the neighbors were watchful, and we cared for each other.
  • I remember when you could make a deal with a handshake rather than having a bevy of lawyers write a contract that contained hidden fine print, opening the door for litigation.
  • I remember when being patriotic was commendable and even something to be desired rather than viewed as outdated and obsolete.
  • I remember when everyone stood when the National Anthem was being played. The men removed their hats, and everyone placed their hands over their hearts with pride.
  • I remember when marriage was considered sacred and honorable, unlike today when many choose to test drive the relationship before entering into marriage.
  • I remember when giving a full day’s work for a day’s pay was normal, unlike today when giving as little as possible to get as much as possible is not only acceptable but expected.
  • I remember when there was time to take walks, read books, sit around the table with family or friends, and break bread without a cell phone ringing with another text or call.
  • I remember when we received news about the well-being of others either by letter or personal visit rather than via text, email, Facebook, or tweets.
  • I remember when everyone knew everyone in the neighborhood, and if you had a project or need, they were ready and willing to pitch in and help.
  • I remember when teachers in school cared about educating a child and ensuring that they knew how to read and write rather than just making a grade on a standardized test for Public Relations purposes, federal funds, and grants.
  • I remember when getting a toy at Christmas was a special treat.
  • I remember when you could pray in school and recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
  • I remember a great many things that do not seem to exist any longer.

I will never forget returning home from Vietnam in December of 1967.  I was unprepared for what I would experience in San Francisco, California.  Students from Berkley University lined a fence that we had to go past.  They commenced throwing various things, including body fluids, at us.  Everyone but two of us were on gurneys or wheelchairs. 

The incredible anger that welled inside my being was uncontainable.  It was assuredly not righteous indignation, although it was the right thing to feel compared to what they were doing. 

That crowd contained about three hundred protesters, and the two of us were going over the fence into the crowd when the military police stopped us.  They said, “It is a good thing they took your weapons before you boarded the plane to come home.”  Wisdom was not part of my makeup at that moment; anger was!  We were returning home from a war that our country asked us to go and fight.

I lost friends in that faraway land and know many who will be scarred for life, not just from the war but the treatment they received when returning home.  We were not there because we were warmongers but because we were patriotic and found it unconscionable to burn our draft cards, and fleeing to Canada or any other country was not an option.

I am eternally grateful for the honor and love shown to WW II veterans when they returned from that war. The Greatest Generation made a colossal sacrifice to free us, and I am grateful. I was equally thankful when the Gulf War veterans returned home and were honored and shown respect by most Americans.

However, I can still hear the words of people like Hanoi Jane Fonda calling those of us who served in Vietnam baby killers, murderers, and rapists in her broadcast from Hanoi.  In any earlier generation, she would have likely been tried for treason. By that time, America had begun a significant move in the wrong direction in our ideology, views, and morals.

The men and women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan deserved and deserve our full support and respect.  My blood boils, even now, when I hear someone defame or discredit our veterans.  There was a time when burning the American flag was considered a treasonous act, and one committed that atrocity at their own peril. 

Gone are the days when people were expected to make their own way in life and pay for what they got. We have almost reached the point where most of our society expects the government to provide everything free! Gone is the era when the only expectation of the government was to protect and defend this country, maintain domestic tranquility, and allow free enterprise to be just that—free enterprise. 

Gone are the days when we were not taxed to the point of having to work from January to August to pay the taxes. Gone are the days when most in Congress realized that the present system was immoral, illegal, and unconstitutional. The hidden taxes, regulations, and fees are stifling.

There was a time when the Constitution of the United States of America was the governing document of our Republic, and only the Bible held more authority for most.  Today, it seems that this administration intends to completely dismantle and destroy the very document that provided for this incredible Republic, under God, to become a beacon of hope for the world.  The American Dream has been a prize that most people of the world desire and seek to participate in, often at the risk of their own lives.

What happened to the view that communism and tyrannical despots who do not value human life are evil?  When did we lose our value for human life?  Some would insist that my memories are nothing more than nostalgic fantasy and a view of a time that never existed.  We are being told in this modern era that it is time to scuttle the Constitution, cast off our Judeo-Christian values, set aside our ethics, and become nothing more than pawns of a tyrannical government that controls everything and everyone. 

As a Christian and a patriotic Vietnam veteran, I cannot sit idly by and watch this nation be stolen without a fight.  We must use our tools wisely to combat this encroachment on our freedom.  The sinister nature of this growing evil requires our attention.  They desire to dispense of our founding principles and transform America into something other than the Free Constitutional Republic it has been and still is.

It is time for each of us who pray and believe in prayer to begin interceding as never before.  It is time for us all to become involved in the political arena because politics is life.  It is time for us to return to our moral moorings and stand on our principles and faith as never before.  We may never have the “good old days” again, but we can turn the tide and take back our liberty! 

It is truly up to us to fight this fight!  I have four anchors:  My Faith, My Family, My Friends, and My Freedom!  I will not go quietly.  I love America and desire to remain and live free, and I want everyone else in America to have that experience!

God bless you, and God bless America!


During the Obama presidency, it was the first time in American history that we had a person occupy the office of the President of the United States who campaigned 365 days per year even after being inaugurated for a second term and not up for reelection.  One might suppose that it was a desire to solidify a ‘legacy,’ but if you look a little closer, you will realize it is much more than that.

The Statist, Progressives, Liberals, and Democrats have learned, and Barack Obama practiced the philosophy that if you campaign all the time, you are not held accountable or responsible for what you do.  You can even campaign against what you are doing and have a significant portion of the populace believe that you are their friend and fighting for them while you weave a web of deceit and destruction that will be their ultimate ruin. 

Even in that eventuality, they still believe that that politician is not the blame or responsible.  They believe whoever the politician or party labels as the enemy or the obstacle is the blame.  It does not matter what the truth is, what the facts are, or what the reality is; they will believe that their preferred politician is their knight in shining armor and will love them for being on their side.

I find it almost incomprehensible that a huge percentage of voting people cannot see or fail to understand that the very things Mr. Obama campaigned against were the things he and his party were doing.  That has not changed, and it is even more pronounced under Biden.  The Democrats know the Republicans have historically been ‘spineless.’ The Leftists know that their weak-willed opponents will believe whatever ‘fear tactic’ is issued.  Therefore, they continue to spin the spin and watch the milquetoast Republicans run for cover, cowering in the shadows, and offering compromise and concession to whatever the left desires. 

The Republican Establishment has a recent history of waging war on conservative and constitutional values.  They have become one of the Democrat’s best allies in the political spectrum.  They never seem to realize what they are doing; at least, one would hope they don’t realize it.   If they do realize it and are doing it in complicity with the Democrats, they are even worse than we have believed.  That would make them as sinister, if not more so, than the Democrats, whose agenda is American Destruction.

It is a page from the Alinsky playbook and the playbooks of radical despots throughout history.   The plan is ‘divide and conquer,’ ‘stir up emotions,’ and ‘tell your lies frequently enough,’ and people will believe what you are saying.  They have learned that their supporters never face the facts and force them to accept responsibility or accountability – they Blame, Blame, Blame!

Many have said that Barack Obama did not govern because he did not know how.   I suggest that the deviousness of this “Governing via The Campaign Trail” is far more sinister rather than a sign of incompetence.  I believe that Obama and Biden were both unqualified for the job. Yet, the destruction is readily apparent.

I believe that those on Obama’s team and Biden’s handlers realized that if they followed their current path of deception, they would escape without any attachment to them for the destruction that was going on, the destruction that they have largely caused via their policies, ideology, and agenda. 

It is brilliant in a sinister way. The Republicans could tear down this strategy, but no one seems to be able or willing to articulate conservative constitutional values. They self-destruct, implode, and cave on every occasion, and the left is enjoying their ‘newfound’ methodology and pathway to permanent entrenchment on the political spectrum. 

God help America if we do not find people who can articulate, as Reagan did, the real values of constitutional conservatives. That is a value and belief that a majority of Americans would support.  Sadly, since the Republicans repeatedly cower to the Democrats, engage in infighting, and demonstrate an inability or unwillingness to educate the people, it does not happen.  Their hatred for Trump makes them willing partners with the Left in the destruction of our Republic.

I am ardently praying for someone to rise who is capable, willing to do so, and demonstrates honesty and integrity in life and politics.   Donald Trump’s personality can be grating, but his presidency provided some needed protections for our liberties and allowed America to return to a needed place of prominence in the world. 

Will he be returned to office, or will someone with the intestinal fortitude to stand for the Constitution and not kowtow to the old boy system of corruption step forward?  I do not know.  At this point, political correctness, societal confusion, and personality politics seem to say NO!   I see glimpses of hope, but tragically, they often lapse into obscurity as the potential candidates become part of the system, and we have business as usual – Corruption and Expansion in Government!

The planned destruction of our Republican form of government has been in the works for over 100 years, dating back to and even beyond the Fabian Socialists. The globalists desire to transform us into a small cog in the wheel of a One World System and strip us of our rights and liberties. The ruling elite would be in total control, and the rest of us would be their surfs doing their bidding and enabling them to live in the lap of luxury, exerting total control.

May God bless you, and may God provide someone who will stand for God, morality, ethics, integrity, and the Constitution and serve the people. 


Actually, I look to my Bible, into my heart, and consider what is happening in America politically, socially, morally, and economically and see some things about the future. Could I be wrong in what I believe I see?  Of course, but if I am right, what I am going to say should be both a wake-up call and a call to action for every person who loves Liberty and Freedom and desires to ensure that the Republic called the United States of America is preserved and restored.  

I hope that whether a person identifies as a conservative, constitutionalist, patriot, liberal, or progressive, America remaining a Free Republic will be of the utmost importance.  I realize that is somewhat Utopian, but it is a Hope that keeps burning in my heart.  I keep hoping that America’s citizens will wake up and realize that we have been lied to by politicians and those desiring to “fundamentally transform” this nation into something other than what it was designed to be and has been for a very long time.  I Keep Hoping!

I can see the effect of the Mass Media campaigns by the Left and their surrogates in the Press, Hollywood, and Congress, and it is not a pleasant sight.  I have talked to people who believe in conservative principles, hold constitutional views, and have strong moral values who ceded defeat in the 2020 and 2022 elections. 

Some began to believe the rhetoric and spin of the Left and questioned virtually everything that President Trump did.  Some said, “I want to believe his promises, but look at the chaos, confusion, and corruption in his administration.”  When I asked for specifics, they usually gave me the current media spin, and the talking points of the Left echoed in the Press.  That was troubling and could mean an ominous storm brewing politically, socially, economically, and morally in America.

I talked to some who voted for President Trump in 2016 but became discouraged or complacent. They did not vote in the primaries and have no real interest in voting in the General Election in November.  They sing, “Que Sera, Sera,” and argue that “Politics in America is cyclical.” They argued, “We’ve always survived, and we will this time.”   I hope they are correct long-term about surviving, but I am not convinced, based on what I hear, read, and see coming out of the Democrat Camp.

If the Democrats retain the White House and keep the Senate in the 2024 elections, let me paint the picture I see in America, and you decide what you should do.  The picture I am going to paint is not pleasant, although the allure of the Utopia promised by the Leftists is alluring and has the effect of the mythical Sirens upon sailors. 

The allure is blinding, and the effect is the same as a lobotomy, which shuts down the cognitive reason in the brain, and the emotional tug is more powerful than reason. What will happen if the Democrats retain the White House and keep the Senate in 2024?

There will be an immediate move to censor and silence all conservative voices that will include indictment and jail time for anyone daring to violate their politically correct mandates.   There will be a continued barrage of charges leveled against Donald Trump and any Republican who sided with him.

Politicians are, for the most part, far more interested in getting elected and reelected than they are in America. That would result in members of the GOP linking arms with the Democrats in seeking to restore the cronyism and good old boy power structure hiding it from public view.

If the Left also retains control of the Senate, there will be a renewed effort to pack the Supreme Court and every appellate and Federal Judgeship in the nation with Leftist Activists. How many RINOs and cowardly Republicans would side with them?  That depends on the effectiveness of the MSM in painting Trump as Genghis Kahn, Hitler, or Lucifer. 

Taxes will continue to soar, and inflation will become the death knell in our economy.  The decades-long desire of the Leftists to confiscate our retirement funds and all our monies will have a new footing and an open door to proceed.  We will see worse than Obamacare become the norm in our healthcare system.

Amnesty will become a reality, and the massive influx of new Democrats (illegals) will prove to be an insurmountable obstacle to Liberty and Freedom.  Fair elections will be a forever-forgotten hope! 

Our sovereignty as a nation will be severely destabilized, our national security jeopardized, and our 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendment Rights in grave jeopardy.  We will discover that the charges of “Hate Speech” will become more readily applied to anything conservative, constitutional, or biblical.  The Second Amendment and our Right to Keep and Bear Arms will become a clear and present danger. 

The above actions will facilitate the expansion of new Democratic voters, and the likelihood of any Republican or Conservative winning a national election would become difficult, if not impossible.

However, there is another side to that coin: the one I am praying for, fighting for, and hoping for. That side is that Conservatives and Constitutionalists, regardless of party affiliation, will awaken from their slumber, realize the truth, and become engaged and involved. 

If we awaken and genuinely appreciate our Freedoms and Liberties and find the courage to stand, we will defeat them.  But that requires us to become involved and vote!  Not vote early and often as some on the Left, but Vote!  

If we want a secure border, a safe nation, a growing and robust economy, tax reform, reduced government, spending, and debt nationally, more control of our healthcare, the problem of illegal immigration dealt with, and everyone to be held equally accountable under the law, we must become involved.  That is more than a need but obligatory if we are true American Patriots and want to “Keep the Republic.”

What must we do?  Pray!  Yes, that is how we arrived at the place where Hillary Clinton was kept out of the White House in 2016, and Joe Biden must be evicted in 2024.  However, I believe that we must also work! 

We cannot sit like birds in the wilderness waiting to be fed and expect God to do it for us when He tells us to labor and pray. Scriptures enjoin us to work and tell us to “whatever our hands find to do, do it with our might.” If you pray, then we need you to join the massive and growing army of Prayer Warriors, praying for America and the World. 

If you are a Lover of Freedom and Liberty, we need you to invest yourself in this struggle for the survival of our Republic.  How do you do that?  You talk to others and articulate your views and desires for America.  You inform them of the lies, fabrications, distortions, and failures of the Leftist Ideology.  Begin with those close to you and within your sphere of influence, then branch out to whomever you can gain an audience with. 

You will likely be scorned, ridiculed, and attacked.  I have people say to me, “How can you claim to be a Christian and vote for Trump or any Republican?”  I often turn the tables on them and ask, “How can you claim to love America and claim to be a Christian and vote for Biden or any of the Leftist Ideologues or Agendas?” 

But more often, I tell them, “Donald Trump is not my pastor or spiritual leader, and God has used some incredibly flawed human beings in the facilitation of His purposes in the world. I vote for the proposed policies I believe are good and right for America and vote against those I believe would damage and destroy the Republic.”  That is How I Can Vote for Trump or a Conservative!

One of two things will result from these upcoming elections: a hard-left turn or an awakening. If we allow the Left to retain the White House and the Senate, we will see America backtrack and take a hard left turn politically, which will impact us morally, socially, economically, and, in some ways, spiritually. 

If we defeat the Left, we will see a shift in some Republicans and even Democrats whose constituencies desire a Restored America and want to maintain our inalienable and constitutional rights.  We will see America begin to move toward what we have been praying and fighting for.  It is up to us, so “What is our Decision?”

God bless you, and God bless America!

AMERICAN POLITICS – Is it Neurotic or Monomaniacal?

No matter how you see it, it is out of sync with reality and showing no signs of improving.  I saw a quote by a Law Professor at the University of Tennessee College of Law, Glenn Reynolds, that caught my attention. He said, “Looking around at our politics, it’s hard not to feel that there’s an increasingly neurotic strain to them.”  He included COVID and ‘safetyism’ and the developing phenomenon of single women voting in blocs for the Democrats.  It seems he may have a point.

I added the possibility of being monomaniacal because of the obsession with singular pet issues that make the person incapable of considering any ideas other than their own.  They are oblivious to the plethora of issues facing America; their issue is “The Issue,” and they are willing to destroy anyone disagreeing.  That is dangerous, but that is where we seem to be.

I am unwilling to take the bait and, as some have, relegating it to differences in the sexes and how men and women think and react.  I have found that although books like Pride and Prejudice, Great Expectations, or George Eliot were the eternal worrier, Lisbeth was a chronic worrier.  Men frequently do the same thing, even if they hide and deny it.  It is a modern dilemma. 

Today, many males and females, liberal, progressive, conservative, and even Christian, are showing signs of falling prey to the neurotic or monomaniacal.  It extends far beyond politics, but since politics affects our Republic and our lives dramatically, it is something on which to focus.

During my childhood, PTSD was unheard of by the public, but the term ‘shell shock’ was common.  I have those I knew who had served in WWII and Korea and were diagnosed with ‘shell shock.’  They were neurotic at times and could be dangerous.  Someone offered an interesting observation regarding combat stress reaction. 

“It is said, for instance, that a man cannot endure more than 100 days in combat.  He goes through three stages:  thinking ‘It won’t happen to me,’ then thinking, “It’s bound to happen to me,’ and finally, “Why hasn’t it happened to me?’  After 100 days, the combat soldier goes mad – battle fatigue, shell shock, mental issues, PTSD take over.”  

I don’t know if that is a scientific diagnosis and determination, but the stress of war or life that is non-stop takes catastrophic tolls on people’s psyche.  What we are watching in America today is akin to that condition.  No, I am not saying that politics in any fashion compares to being in combat.  I served in Vietnam and would never diminish my experiences or those who served in much worse conditions than I did.  War is hell, and that hell, when experienced, produces lasting effects that only God can cure.

Not only is the voting public suffering, but the sinister plots of the diabolical politicians and handlers are fanning the flame of the neurotic or monomaniacal.  We are witnessing the demise of our Republic from within.  We are entering a stage of tyrannical government.  I wish I could paint a rosy picture and declare that all is okay, but it is not.  It is a fantasy to believe that man can somehow fix the condition now existing.  Only God can repair and restore us.  ONLY GOD!

A couple of decades ago, most Americans considered Tyranny a bad thing and something to be stopped at all costs.  It was un-American and a direct threat to our freedoms and liberties.  Today, that view has shifted, and we are witnessing a dangerous condition that has become the norm in America.

America was born in opposition to tyranny.  The founding fathers considered resistance to tyranny the hallmark of their labors.  Today, despotism is on the rise with the revisionism of history, the vilification of our founders, and the continual shift to an entitlement mentality.  People willingly subject themselves to tyranny out of a desire for personal gratification (freebies), the insanity of political correctness, and the flawed philosophy that everything must be equal.

Today, we are watching tyranny gain footholds within the institutions, bureaus, and governmental arms established to prevent it.  Let me offer a simple definition of tyranny, and you determine if you believe it applies to today’s America.  “By definition, tyrants are those who, for whatever reason, have been empowered to write, interpret, and enforce any such laws as they alone may feel are even remotely necessary and appropriate for them to protect and retain their power.”

This may agitate some, but the efforts of people like Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Jack Smith, all politically motivated prosecutors who are doing the bidding of their political overlords, scream we are in danger.  I do not care what you think of Donald Trump or anyone associated with him. Still, if you cannot see the political hypocrisy in his indictments and the absence of similar indictments for anyone on the left, you are not being honest.  If that angers you, I am sorry, but it is the truth.

In today’s America, we are witnessing government officials (holding office legitimately or illegitimately) misusing their political power (offices) to unilaterally declare that it is illegal for anyone even to consider questioning publicly whether those officials were elected legitimately or not. 

It is a dangerous condition that opens the door to tyranny when those officials are empowered by ideologically sympathetic judges who charge only their political opponents with crimes while giving the regime a free pass.  Ignoring evidence and probable cause to investigate and indict is symptomatic of the neurotic condition, which I believe exists today in American politics.  The voters are willingly blind or blatantly ignorant.  Either way, we are in deep trouble in America.

The outrage over Oliver Anthony’s song expresses our descent into the dark tyrannical abyss.  The words of his song should resonate: “It’s a d*** shame what the world’s gotten to for people like me and people like you.  Wish I could just wake up and it not be true.  But it is, oh, it is…”

I am reminded of the dire warning of the 19th-century French economist Frederic Bastiat in “The Law.”  He said, “When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.”   Both are catastrophic for a Free Constitutional Republic and an invitation to the tyrannical.

The tyranny that is rising in America is the precursor to Totalitarianism.  I see what is happening from the biblical light and believe we have traversed too far to rectify what is happening at the polls alone.  It will require a concerted effort of unified intercession and restoration of our moral and spiritual moorings.  I believe the directive of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is our hope. 

I ask that you continue doing all you know to do to restore America. If you are not already doing so, please add intercession for America. We must find a way to drop our monomaniacal politics, which leads to further polarization and division. I will always stand for Faith, Family, and Freedom!

God bless you, and God bless America!


Before anyone presumes what I refer to in my title, it relates to politics and life.  In many ways, our American culture has been reduced to milquetoast timidness that renders us incapable of overcoming adversity. 

We walk on eggshells today, and many are so fearful of being arrested or castigated by the PC police that they have lost the spirit of perseverance that made America a reality and has sustained her. So, I ask, “Are we Wimps or Warriors?”  Are we capable of facing an enemy or adversity and prevailing?

Overcoming adversity is epitomized in numerous figures in American history, and one of them is Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt was a sickly lad, and at 14, his father sat him down for a man-to-man view of his life. His father reportedly said, “You have the mind, but you have not the body. Without the help of the body, the mind cannot go as far as it should.”  Teddy responded, “I will make my body.” 

His determination was visible and determined.  He began lifting weights and engaged in boxing and wrestling.  One of his sisters said, “Theodore widened his chest by regular, monotonous motion – drudgery indeed.”  His persistence paid off as he remade his physical body, diligently working his mind.  He read prolifically covering a vast array of subject matter. 

In 1886, he entered New York state politics and entered the White House as president in 1891, when President William McKinley was assassinated.   The nation was deeply divided by racial tension despite the end of the Civil War decades earlier.

Roosevelt’s persistence and determination to overcome all obstacles could be cited as one of the reasons he invited Booker T. Washington to dinner in the White House.  Both men were devoted advocates of perseverance and shared a determination to make America a better place for all.  One does not have to agree with the politics of either man but should appreciate their determination and willingness to work together to overcome the known obstacles facing the nation.

Roosevelt was no doubt influenced by the corruption in politics of his era.  The spoils system and cronyism defined American politics in the nineteenth century.  How is that different from today?  Little, but some of the actions of Theodore Roosevelt and others of that era give hope for today if we can find the courage to become warriors and refuse to be wimps. 

In New York City, Tammany Hall was a prolific distributor of political spoils that extended to Washington, DC.  Roosevelt wrote, “No republic can permanently endure when its politics are corrupt and base; and the spoils system, the application in political life of the degrading doctrine that to the victor belong the spoils, produces corruption and degradation.”   He could not stamp it out, but he did some things to give us hope if we become courageous.

When Roosevelt was the head of New York City’s four-man police commission, he was notorious for mingling throughout the city in disguise. He called it his “midnight ramble.”  His objective was to ensure that the police officers were on the job, alert, and attentive. He discovered that they were not.

Frequently, they would sass him when he confronted their idleness or inappropriate behavior. That was a colossal mistake, and his swift action resulted in a significant modification of the behavior of the police force in that city.  Some of Roosevelt’s devotion to fighting the spoil’s system may have been connected to his father.

In 1877, President Rutherford B. Hayes nominated Theodore Senior, or “Thee” as he was known, as Collector of Customs in New York.  It was assumed that Roosevelt Senior was rewarded for his philanthropic work but soon discovered that it was an action by Hayes to block his rival, Senator Roscoe Conkling, the boss of the corrupt New York State Republican machine, who had his own nominee in mind.

The political battle was brutal, and the political machine crushed “Thee,” belittling and humiliating him. This was a significant personal setback for Roosevelt Senior, infuriating the young Teddy and adding fuel to his vision of reform.

“Thee” Roosevelt died shortly after his nomination was rejected.  He suffered from stomach cancer.  Teddy studied natural history at Harvard, and his father’s death shifted his focus on life.  He determined that a career in public service was the most needful for his life and nation.  He felt that it was the best way he could honor his father.  In 1881, he was elected as the youngest member of the New York State Assembly, and his journey into politics was born.

Someone said, “Teddy Roosevelt began his political career as a New York snob, a highly educated dandy who wore really weird clothing and had a high-pitched voice and was just a kind of an eccentric and an outlier and kind of a blue stocking.”    He was determined to break up the spoils system. 

To his amazement and dismay, he witnessed firsthand the power of lobbyists in Albany, New York, where they were openly bribing legislators in the hallways of the capitol. The legislators engaged in tactics of corruption, sponsoring legislation unfavorable to corporations and then blackmailing the corporations, promising they would not pass the bills if paid sufficiently. This sounds a lot like today on many fronts.

One historian wrote that Roosevelt “Viewed the government as good … but believed that government had to be honorable.   His philosophy was that people have the right to expect that the people they elected,  the people that they appointed, or who hold bureaucratic positions, are trying to do the right thing, and when they’re not when they are corruptionists or cronies or lazy or inept, then that discredits the very idea of government intervention in the life of the American people.”

After the Rough Riders’ exploits, his political stock rose, and he became Governor of New York. He became William McKinely’s running mate and was elected Vice President on November 6, 1900, when McKinely won a second term.

President Roosevelt continued his war on the spoils system. He took on many entities and made a ton of enemies in the process. Money talks, and if you touch the goose that is laying the golden egg, you will become anathema to the powers behind the scenes.

Roosevelt was a progressive in many ways, and everything he did was not laudable.  However, he demonstrated what dogged determination and courage can do in producing reform.  His success is still questioned on many fronts.  Yet, his efforts did cause people to become more aware of corruption.  Some of his efforts seem to have helped ensure that the food supply was not tainted and dangerous on several fronts. 

I am not trying to offer a treatise on the virtues of Theodore Roosevelt. However, I am suggesting that we need someone in the White House and people in Congress who are courageous enough to fight for the restoration of the Constitution.  We have had too many weak-willed, corrupt politicians and need a courageous warrior to fight for us.

God bless you, and God bless America!


Yes, I said terminal illness, and that will not be received well by some, but it is what I see and hear in my heart of hearts.  The terminality of which I speak does not mean that America cannot be healed and revived. Instead, it means that America cannot and will not survive if we continue on our path. 

I have spoken for years about some things that could cause America to exit the stage of World Superpower and become more of a follower nation than a leader.   Again, I am bullish on America and patriotic to my core, so do not assume that I am folding my tent and washing my hands of this Republic.  I will fight for her as long as I draw breath.  That is absolute!   Yet, I see the signs of terminal illness in our nation. 

When a nation abandons God’s Word, His Righteousness, and Moral Rightness, as we are witnessing in America today, trouble is unavoidable.  The sacrifices to our modern Baal in abortion reveal a moral breakdown that produces death, not life.  The political correctness, the woke mentality, the cancel culture, the insistence on ethnic wars, and the assault on the Bible, Christianity, the home, and marriage reflect a mental, moral, and spiritual condition that can only lead to decline, declension, and judgment.

The endorsement by this administration regarding biological males competing in women’s sports is not an example of inclusiveness but the expulsion of reason and sanity.  It is an insult to the Bible and God Himself.  It reflects a condition of heart and mind that dates back to the fall of Lucifer from Heaven and man’s repeated failures throughout history.  That is only one of a myriad of issues that the Left is pursuing a path that is anti-biblical.

We are witnessing a purge in our military, and the prime target seems to be skin color and gender.  No, it is not an assault on minorities but a demand that all white males acknowledge the fallacious and fictitious white privilege. 

The push in the business world, education, the military, and even in the church for those whose skin pigmentation identifies them as Caucasian to fall on their faces in repentance at the altar of Woke-ness and Political Correctness.  It includes the idea of reparation for someone’s sin in the past by anyone resembling those who committed those sins.  That speaks of an illness that can only lead to destruction, thereby qualifying to be deemed terminal.

Who do I blame for the condition that exists? Although politicians are blameworthy, I do not lay the blame solely at their feet.  The pursuit of their ideological agendas and the quest for power are inherent in the beast.  It is who they are, so we should not be surprised when they violate the constitution and our wishes in the pursuit of their inclusion in the pinnacle of power.

I do not blame the activists, although they are worthy of their share of the blame.  However, like the politicians, they are blinded by their rabid ideological positions and driven to destroy everything, not their beliefs.  It seems they honestly believe they are right and everyone else is wrong and, therefore, have a mandate to vilify and destroy everything and everyone who opposes them.  I do not justify their antics or activities but insist they are not the reason for our condition.

I do not blame the anti-religious, the atheist, the agnostics, and those who do not follow, believe, or accept the precepts of the Bible.  They are assuredly part of the problem and share the blame, but they are not the reason for our decline.  They have perpetuated and enhanced it but are a symptom, not the root cause.

Who do I blame?  I blame the followers of the Bible, the preachers, the prophets, and those who identify as Christians.  Yes, that includes me, for I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, believe the Bible IS the word of God, and am inspired. I have preached the gospel for over 50 years.  How is it our fault that we are in the condition we are in?  How can I blame the followers of the Judeo-Christian faith for our terminal condition?

I say it because we slumbered and followed the easy road when we should have been watchmen on the walls and sounding the alarm.  We allowed the educational system to be hijacked by ideological activists who were not advocates of moral rightness, the Constitution, our American system of Republican Representative Government, and the Free Market. 

We allowed politicians to strip us of our liberties, infringe upon our inalienable rights, and impose restrictions on matters of morality and religion beyond their legal, moral, and constitutional boundaries.  We sat in silence, fat, happy, unaffected, and lazy, and they stole our nation.

We adopted the mistaken idea that our Founders and the Framers of the American Constitution wanted everything related to God, Religion, and the Church removed from Government.  The phrase ‘separation of church and state’ became the guide, and many preachers and churches were silenced by belief or intimidation. The foxes were allowed to guard and ravage the hen house – America! 

We became complacent, and some became more concerned with the ‘Man of Sin’ (Antichrist) identity than the ‘Sin of Man’ (Condition of Hearts).  Some adopted the view that faith was personal and our lives were compartmentalized.  We have our religious lives, our home lives, our business lives, and our political lives.  I have often said, “We are not cats; we do not have nine lives – WE HAVE A LIFE!”  All the facets of our lives reflect who we are.

America is in a dire state today, and with the direction we are headed in, we will soon see an economic collapse that will remove America from the world stage as a superpower.  With over $34 Trillion in debt, not to mention the unsecured debt in the $100s of Trillion, our condition is terminal. 

The fallacious idea that stimulus checks and blind spending will alleviate the problem is misguided, if not sinister.  The stimulus boondoggle resulted in people on death row without families receiving checks.  That is beyond nonsensical; it is diabolical.  Money does not grow on trees, and we are insanely spending money. We do not have to fix a problem that spending has caused.

The draconian and tyrannical actions of some political figures during the COVID pandemic revealed the fragile nature of our freedoms.  The alarming silence and willing compliance of the public reveal the fruit of the labors of decades of brainwashing and reeducating the masses.  That suggests the existence of a disease or condition that is terminal.  I hesitate to go to great length, but I must mention a few things that could easily render America an afterthought on the world stage.

If we were to have a massive war, and with the current purge and revamping of our military, we might not survive an assault.  An EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) would render America or any nation defenseless in great measure.  The aforementioned economic collapse would render us incapable of contending or competing on the world stage and propel us to the back burner on the stove of world economics and power. 

The Scottish historian and professor Alexander Tytler wrote in 1787: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse [generous gifts] from the public treasury.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years.  These nations have progressed through this sequence:  Bondage to Spiritual Faith > Spiritual Faith to Great Courage> Courage to Liberty > Liberty to Abundance > Abundance to Complacency > Complacency to Apathy > Apathy to Dependence > and Dependence back into Bondage.” 

I would be remiss if I did not include another prediction that came from Thomas Babington Macaulay, who predicted in various forms in letters and writings to Jefferson and others: “…your republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth Century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth;—with this difference, that the Huns and Vandals who ravaged the Roman Empire came from without, and that your Huns and Vandals will have been engendered within your own country by your own institutions.”

A moral collapse demands divine judgment, and judgment is not always direct. It would be the removal of God’s protective hand, allowing the hordes to impose their will on society and render the nation powerless and ineffective. If we are not already there, we are headed in that direction.

I believe that America can be revived. Although we may not be a major player in the end times as a superpower, we can be a superpower spiritually, impact the world for the Kingdom of God, and thereby see multitudes preserved and rescued from earthly and eternal destruction. 

My views are mine, and I believe they are born from what I am hearing in my spirit.  I have much more to say but have gone too long now.  I pray that you will join me and multitudes like me in intercessory prayer.  Believers and lovers of Freedom, let us accept our responsibility for the condition, repent, and become involved in restoration, not just politics and name-calling. I urge everyone to begin interceding for America and the world so that we can turn back to God.

God bless you, and God bless America!


Actually, I am not exposing the unexposed but the little known because of the collusion between the MSM and the Democrats, as well as the ‘Ole Boy System’ in DC.  It is difficult to get the millions of avid followers of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the myriad of newspapers across the country who are Leftists to see or even believe the truth. 

The truth is truth, and facts are stubborn things unless those presenting the facts cower into the shadows in fear of the Leftist Big Government.  You would think that statement would be made of a Despotic Tyrannical Regime in some foreign country, but that is the situation in the United States of America.

Hate is a condition of today’s society in America that clouds all sensible and reasonable judgment.  There are “haters” on both sides of the equation, but virtually all the Liberal Activists are embroiled in hate to the point of being rabid and willing to commit incredible acts of violence. 

Someone suggested that we call the Liberal Activists “Regime Hate Squads” or “Hate Baiters!”  You call them what you will, but I call their activities deranged, delusional, and dangerous to our System of Government and our Constitutional Republic. 

  • When a person or group of people can commit acts of violence, including beating, mugging, and worse, in the name of their Liberal Agenda and somehow justify it, that is dangerous. 
  • When the MSM can spin the spin and offer the rhetoric that somehow makes them virtual saints while ignoring their hate and cruelty, that is delusional and diabolical.  
  • When politicians attempt to manipulate their followers to engage in Hate, that is deranged. 

If you remember, Barack Obama and others encouraged ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter (BLM) groups to engage in activism that included violence.  He even said, “If they bring a knife, we will bring a gun.”  That is incendiary!  If most of us said that we would be subject to charges of inciting riots, but the Leftists swooned over his activism and praised him. Yet, when Donald Trump said there was blame on both sides, he was deemed Hitler, Genghis Kahn, or Lucifer himself.  It is more than hypocritical; it is diabolical and dangerous. 

I am sure some of you remember the “death squads” in Latin America.  The Liberals were beside themselves in their decrying the activities of these arms of the right-wing dictators in those countries.  However, when it came to the Leftist Revolutionary Guerrillas, their acts of violence were called noble.  The victims probably could tell no difference, but the Label was all that was important to the Liberals in America. 

It is one thing to protest injustice and believe strongly that the system is flawed and needs to be corrected.  That could be praiseworthy, but when it morphs into hate and violence, as has been the modus operandi of these leftist liberal activist groups not only in recent history but historically, it is beyond bad!

I know this may touch a nerve with some, but I find it preposterous to insist that those groups represented by the activists in the modern protests or riots need to do what they are doing.  Why do I find it preposterous?   Each of those formerly marginalized groups is well-represented in today’s American government system. 

When activism is fueled by Hate, it literally becomes a religion and is the source from which some derive their significance.  Without the protests, marches, and acts of violence, they would receive no special attention and would be relegated to living in somewhat obscurity like the rest of us.  Most of us live day to day, going to work, raising our families, and serving in our community and churches with little fanfare or notoriety. 

The activists, if their protests were truly peaceful, would be something I could tolerate.  But when they destroy private or public property, harm citizens, and violently and verbally assault anyone disagreeing with them, it is beyond bad; it is criminal and evil. 

When colleges and universities, out of fear of a violent uprising, cancel any conservative’s scheduled appearance that poses a danger to a civil and free society where everyone has the Right to Speak and Believe what they choose. 

If the Liberals allowed the same protests and complaints from those on the opposite side, I might be tolerant of them, but they do not. It seems that today’s Liberal Activists, primarily Democrats, demand that only they have the right to decide what can be said and who can organize and protest. That is Tyranny! 

If this type of attitude and action is allowed to continue, it will, if it has not already, become a requisite for acceptance into some of the most prestigious universities in America.  It will be deemed a requirement to have participated in Liberal Activism approved by the Ruling Class. 

I now dig back into the annals of recent history and remind you of the words of the senior assistant director of admissions, Hannah Mendlowitz, at Yale University, who said: “For those students who come to Yale, we expect them to be versed in issues of social justice.  I have the pleasure of reading applications from San Francisco, where activism is very much a part of the culture.  Essays ring of social justice issues.”  

Are you Serious? That is the requirement and deciding factor. What about a well-balanced education?  Oh, I am sorry. I forgot that in today’s society and Leftist Culture, that is unimportant, but activism in liberal causes is paramount.  If that is the accepted attitude and action, we are in Deep Trouble!

Modern activism is a farce in the sense that it does not represent people outside the system but those represented by the system.  It is a ploy and plan to force the rest of us into compliance with their prescribed agenda and ideology. 

Our Inalienable Rights only exist if they concur with their views.  The more people like Louis Farrakhan, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and others can call for hatred of the Jews and whites, predominantly white men, we are on dangerous grounds.  We prove to be far nearer the possibility of “death squads” in American streets, which will be approved and endorsed by the Ruling Political Class, MSM, and Hollywood. 

If this continues, there will be pushback from those on the other side. If you push a person long enough and hard enough, eventually, they grow weary, believe there is no peaceable solution, and have nothing to lose, and fight back. That is when the Second American Civil War will begin, and it will not end well for anyone! 

This and much more is why I feel compelled to constantly sound the Alarm and insist that we must defeat the Democrats every November.  If we allow the Leftists to gain or retain control of Congress, we do so to our own hurt and possibly destruction.  I have said before that “the power of hate” is unpredictable.  There are those on the Right who are willing to lose the Republic in order to do harm or damage to Donald Trump.  They hate him that much. 

I find that unconscionable because I value the Republic and our Freedom so profoundly that I refuse to allow my personal preferences and personality conflicts to cloud my focus on what is at stake!   You may disagree, which is your right, but if I am right, the Republic is in dire need.  I am sounding an alarm and asking that you carefully pray, examine the facts, review the possibilities, and vote!

God bless you, and God bless America!


I saw a report that Leftists George Stephanopoulos was surprised by Nancy Pelosi’s totalitarian statement about States being able to overrule the Constitution.  We should all be surprised at that type of Constitutional ignorance, but I am not.

I say Constitutional ignorance with ‘tongue in cheek’ because I am convinced she knows better.  I am equally convinced that since it enhances and facilitates their objective and agenda, she would make that ludicrous assertion. 

The Constitution lists three requirements for a person to be president of the United States of America.  One has to be a natural-born citizen of the USA.  They have to be at least 35 years of age.  They must have been a resident of the USA for 14 years.  That is a very open but limited set of requirements.  It does not speak to qualifications or capability but the minimum requirements to be president.

Mr. Stephanopoulos asked the Congresswoman about Donald Trump’s eligibility to run for president. The matter concerns the 14th Amendment and the actions of Colorado and Maine to disallow Trump from having his name on the ballot.

Mr. Stephanopoulos asked Ms. Pelosi if she believed Trump was ineligible to be president.  Her response was vague and illusive, “They have different laws from state to state.”  He said, “It’s the Constitution.”  Her response revealed her disdain for that document, “That’s not the point; every state has different laws.” 

Yes, Ms. Pelosi, they do, but your party wants to allow convicted felons to vote but desires to strip Mr. Trump of that right, although he has been convicted of no felony.  That speaks of your true motive. You are not being supportive of the State’s Rights but advancing your agenda.  She also asserted that the states, not the voters, should decide. Ms. Pelosi, I believe that the states are representatives of the voters.

In all constitutional matters, states must have the voters’ approval to amend or change things constitutionally. She, like her counterparts on the Left, insists that keeping Trump off the ballot is necessary to protect our democracy. She fails to understand that we are not a direct democracy but a republic, another issue for another time. It is about power and control; they are willing to do anything to maintain that.

The repeated reference to January 6 events as a reason to disallow Trump to be on the ballot fails the Constitutional litmus test.  Trump appealed to the United States Supreme Court to overturn those rulings, and following the Constitution, they did. 

The Trump appeal rightly cited that the action by Colorado and Maine abrogated the authority and responsibility of the U.S. Congress.  The question of eligibility to serve as president of the United States is reserved for Congress, not state courts.   That is a powerful position from which they argued, and the SCOTUS seemed to agree.

If you dig back into the annals of recent history, you will remember that when the question of eligibility for John McCain, Barack Obama, and Ted Cruz arose, the SCOTUS consistently ruled eligibility determination was the purview of Congress, not the states or courts.

If we were to remain a free constitutional republic, the SCOTUS had to overturn the Colorado decision and stand with the U.S. Constitution.  I was concerned because, with the history of some of the ‘swing votes,’ I was not as confident as I would have liked to have been.   The Trump speech on January 6 is not a conviction or evidence of insurrection. 

Selena Zito observed, at the time, “The press takes Trump literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”  The claim that Trump supporters at the Capitol bludgeoned a Capitol policeman to death was proven false.  He died of a stroke with no evidence of any head wounds.  The Leftists never retracted the fallacious spin, but documented proof reveals the incredible fabrication to advance a narrative.

In America, a constitutional republic with laws, Congress has the power to enforce the provisions of the 14th Amendment by appropriate legislation.  If you honestly examine the provisions and requirements of such action, it always guarantees due process and the right to vote.   Colorado and Maine took action to strip Donald J. Trump of due process and his supporters of the right to vote.  To remain a Constitutional Republic, that had to be struck down.

I am unconcerned whether you like Donald Trump or not; if you value the Constitution and want to keep America as a Constitutional Republic, you must oppose the actions like those of those two states.  It was totalitarian and despotic.  Someone said, “Not all insurrectionists wear furs and face paint; some wear black robes.”

With the actions of Colorado and Maine in mind, it opens a legitimate pathway to questioning the unconstitutional involvement of governmental agencies such as the Intelligence Community in our elections.  Former CIA intelligence analyst Dr. John Gentry highlighted that. 

Dr. Gentry gave some disturbing prognostications or warnings regarding the current political state of the INTEL Community.  He serves as a professor at Georgetown University.   Based on his experience, he asserted that he expected the INTEL community (Deep State) to reemerge as a significant player in the 2024 elections.  They view Trump as a threat to their status quo and position of power.

He expects them to engage in interference, propaganda, and manipulation of evidence and activities to sway the presidential election away from Donald Trump and the Republicans.  His view of the mindset of the powers within the INTEL Community is that they believe they are right and justified in thwarting the will of the “ignorant yahoos.” He was referring to us as being ‘yahoos” deemed ‘ignorant’ by the INTEL community powers.

C.S. Lewis wrote in The Abolition of Man in 1943, “We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise.  We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.  We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”   That is a vivid description of the political conditions in America. 

America, we were founded upon the principles of every person being created by God and, in that sense, equal.  We were founded to embrace and advance the reality that each of us has certain inalienable rights given to us by God, not the government.  We each are viewed as having the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  The Constitution was designed to protect those ideals.  Today, they have become so tarnished the Constitution is meaningless to many politicians and activists.  That must change!

It is time that we clean house in Washington and send to the White House someone who will value the Constitution and defend America.  We also need to turn our attention to the unelected bureaucrats who are so numerous they are almost as uncountable as the stars in the skies.  We must reduce the size and scope of the federal government and restore our Constitution to its rightful loft position as the Law of the Land.  We can.  The question is, will we?

God bless you, and God bless America!


To say our world is in a mess would be an understatement of understatement. Political, economic, social, racial, and alarmist issues are reaching catastrophic levels. The present state of affairs in America and the world indicates some dramatic upheavals on the horizon, with outbreaks of intensified violence and disruption. 

Our government seems to be an example of the patients running mental institutions in America.  We do not seem to be headed in a positive direction societally and appear to be drifting farther and farther from the solution toward chaos and destruction.  I believe we are living in what the Bible deems to be the “Last Days,” where conditions worsen exponentially almost daily. 

There are those on both sides of the political aisle or ideological position who are vitriolic in their verbalizations, creating an impossible chasm to bridge.  Both sides of the American political climate believe the other side is singularly the problem and evil to the core.  Evil people are involved in today’s political manipulations, but many are desirous of what they believe to be the best.  They may be misguided in their views and drinking from the watering trough of the manipulators rather than being evil in their hearts. 

If a person believes the rhetoric and diatribe being issued by the politicians, the media, and other outlets, they can quickly become part of the impasse rather than having an open mind willing to seek a solution.  If I believe you are the problem, your views are diabolical, and label you subhuman and demonic, it will be impossible to find any common ground to build a workable compromise or agreement. 

The problem is not government, although unbridled government is a problem.  The problem is not liberals or conservatives, although fringe elements of both sides can be problematic.  The problem is not racism, although bias, prejudice, injustice, and hate are a problem. 

The problem is not legislation or the lack thereof. However, much legislation presents problems that are not easy to overcome in the pursuit of the ideals of the Constitution and our Declaration of Independence.  Namely, everyone is created equal in the eyes of God and has the inalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

The problem, in my view, and that of the Bible, is the Human Heart.  We are all, regardless of our ethnicity, religion, or political position, created in the image of God.  God created us.  If you disbelieve that, we will have little room to discuss this matter with objectivity.   If you believe it is all random chance and evolutionary, we are grounded in polar opposite views.  However, even then, if you are objective, you can see that the human will and heart are major factors in all interpersonal activities.

No amount of legislation can fix the issues of race, gender, politics, or religion.  Everything stems from the condition of the human heart.  It is from the heart that we form our views of everything.  We develop thoughts from within our innermost beings, and from those thoughts, we formulate our beliefs and views.  It is from our beliefs and views that we interact with each other. 

The words of John Adams ring true today, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  The Bible is filled with references regarding interpersonal relationships, and the overriding directive is that we treat others as we wish to be treated.  We are repeatedly reminded that any measure of judgment we engage in is used to judge us.  The biblical message is love and respect.

The Bible is filled with references as to how we are to live and interact with others.  In Micah 6:8, we read, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”  That is a simple but powerful declaration. 

What does God want, and what is required for humans to live together in any semblance of harmony?  We are to do justice.  We should be careful in defining what that means and not allow it to be tainted by our worldview or interracial view.  Justice for some is getting what they want and punishing anyone who disagrees.  That is not God’s view of justice. 

God’s view is to do what is right all the time, every time. It is to treat others as fellow humans created in God’s image and afforded the God-given right to Life, Liberty, and the ability to pursue Happiness freely and unimpeded by man-made imposed restrictions that block that objective.

What does God want, and what is required for humans to live together in any semblance of harmony?  We are to love kindness.  That is amazing because kindness is to demonstrate restraint, not be harmful, not be controlling, not be domineering, and seek the best good for all.  Kindness is the heart of God, and His Lovingkindness is eternal; therefore, if God is kind toward us, we should be kind toward others. 

What does God want, and what is required for humans to live together in any semblance of harmony?  We are to walk humbly before God.  That strips pride from the equation and eliminates arrogance.  It removes biases, prejudices, and selfishness.  It strips us of the ability to view ourselves as victims even when victimized.  It demands that we view life through the lens of God first and others second.  It requires that we view life through the heart of service rather than what’s in it for me. 

So, let me possibly alienate some and step onto the thin ice of biblical reality and say if you are hurling insult for insult regardless of which side of the political equation you are standing – That is a problem, not a Solution!  It reveals a problem in the heart. 

If I view you as God’s creation and understand that you have the same inalienable and constitutional rights as I do to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, there is hope.  If I give you tit for tat in insult and vitriolic response, I build a wall, not a bridge, and the hope of harmony disappears.  If we call each other Demon-rats or Re-pukelicans [words I have heard], we will find no ground on which to stand to bring about a livable and peaceful society. 

We can either have total chaos, plunge into civil disturbance, or war and demonize everyone disagreeing with us, or we can seek to become solutions rather than problems. 

  • I do not condone views contrary to the Bible, such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and immorality. 
  • I do not condone nor am willing to allow the federal government to become totalitarian and strip me of the rights and liberties God has given me. 
  • However, I seek to view others as human beings endowed with certain inalienable rights and understand that there is hope if we can all be civil, just, kind, and humble ourselves before God. 

I hope that what I have said is meaningful. Although I have painted with a broad brush, I hope you consider the matter of the Heart. If we get our hearts right, we will be less concerned with political labels and more concerned about what is good, godly, and right. Just because you or I believe our cause is the right cause does not mean that all who disagree are evil.

Some are evil and seek total control by eliminating God and moral rightness. Those must be opposed and resisted. I only ask that we all seek God, accept the possibility that we could be wrong in attitude and ideology in some instances, and seek to treat others as we desire to be treated.

I love God and America and am praying for America, the world, and God’s Harvest to be Completed.  Heaven is sounding sweeter all the time!

God bless you, and God bless America!


On the TV program “Hee Haw,” they would always have someone do a skit that included the song “Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me.”  The words went like this:

                   “Gloom, despair, and agony on me

                    Deep, dark depression, excessive misery

                    If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all

                    Gloom, despair, and agony on me!

                    We figured she was rich, loaded to the hilt.

                    And we figured she had class like the Vanderbilts.

                    ‘Cause we had heard for years how she was so well reared.

                    How was we to know they mean the way she was built?

                    Gloom, despair, and agony on me!

                    Deep, dark depression, excessive misery

                    If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.

                    Gloom, despair, and agony on me.”

To a great degree, that could be sung today in America as a result of leftist policies advanced by Obama and Biden.  We have never lived in a more gloomy time in American history, not even in the Great Depression, the Civil War, or any other wars we have faced. 

We are there because we have a President driving the train down the path of unchecked spending, pushing us nearer and nearer to the point of no return and bankruptcy.  The Country Group, The Tractors, has a song called “Badly Bent,” in which it talks about money problems, and one portion of it says: 

                    “I am just a country boy

                    Tryin’ to make some sense.

                    But I’d like to ask the Congress

                    I’d like to ask the President.

                    Can you tell me where

                    All the money went.

                    We might not be broke

                    But we are badly bent.”

We are not just bent; we are broke with a Capital “B.”  If I am wrong, and Mr. Biden and the Leftist’s desire is not to totally destroy our system of Capitalism; they are the most misguided people ever to serve in public office.  The President is supposed to be committed to protecting and defending the Constitution and working for America!

However, Barack Obama made us aware in his book “Dreams From My Father,” what their real desire is with regard to this country.  It is always wise to consider who has the ear of politicians and influence them.  The philosophy, ideology, and agenda of those always reveal the truth about purpose. 

The president and those in Congress must swear or affirm their commitment to protect and defend the Constitution of these United States.  Tragically, some of them seem to be on a campaign to destroy this country and our Constitution.  In my mind, that is more than a minor issue; it is treasonous and even terroristic.

I believe we must vote all of them out of office as soon as possible. If we do not send them packing, America, as established by our founders and as we have known, will be a faint memory. Each person can make whatever choices they desire, but if we look at the facts, we will realize that the use of “race,” “class envy,” and “illogical ideology” drives them and divides this nation. 

They use whatever is available to achieve their purposes.  The Leftists only care about the fulfillment of their Agenda.  That agenda is the same as the proponents of the United Nations Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development Initiative.  

Once again, I call on each one to keep the Left’s expressed and demonstrated objectives in mind as they vote in any election. Our Republic, Freedom, and Liberty are hanging in the balance. We will decide our fate!

God bless you, and God bless America!